I’m an Ottawa-based freelance journalist currently covering federal politics with a focus on energy, the environment and climate for Canada’s National Observer. My work is funded by a grant from the Local Journalism Initiative and can be found on many other Canadian news sites. I’ve reported on other subject areas such as housing, homelessness, health, science, addiction, and economic abuse

I primarily cover Parliament Hill but also generate unique story ideas using access to information requests, briefing notes, and government buy-and-sell tenders. In between daily news coverage I pursue investigative stories with a focus on climate change, environmental racism and human rights.


As a burgeoning photographer, I am always looking to tell visual stories in a way that privileges the voices and experiences of my sources. My photo story on the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation ignited a love of capturing still photographs of events and I’ll be bringing my camera to Parliament Hill on assignment in 2022.

My work has also appeared in the Ottawa Citizen where I generated original story ideas and learned how to turn around an article quickly, covering everything from a health-care worker protest to purchase scams. My feature article about how Ottawa’s food banks and shelters prepared for winter was the off-lead for that day’s paper.

At the Monitor magazine, I analyzed Canada’s affordable housing crisis, using the City of Ottawa to exemplify some of the key issues for the May/June 2020 edition’s cover story.

My freelance work has appeared in the Ottawa Citizen, Ottawa Sun, Ottawa Life Magazine, the Monitor magazine and Capital Current. I am proficient at visualizing data, working with access to information requests, filing freedom of information requests, producing audio and video stories, and creating multimedia elements to enhance articles.